Sini Davies
PhD, postdoctoral researcher, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
My research interests are centred around all things epistemic, more precisely, knowledge creation and maker-centred learning with, through, around, and sometimes despite novel digital technologies. I also actively develop qualitative analysis methods for video data.
I’m currently working as a researcher in Generation AI research project, funded by the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland.

apparel design artificial intelligence co-creation collaborative design collaborative learning computational thinking constructionism craft cross-age peer tutoring design design-based research design and making design practices digital design methods eCollage emotions engineering engineering practices epistemic doubt epistemic fluency epistemic objects epistemic practices ideation inclusion inspiration invention pedagogy K-12 education knowledge creation learning by making maker-centred learning maker culture maker education maker practices material mediation motivation pedagogical infrastructures pedagogical practices phenomena-based learning process rug video analysis programming school development smart clothing socio-digital practices sociomateriality special education teaching techological competence usability video data analysis visual analysis methods